Wednesday, December 22, 2010

why do we let them?

Yesterday a girl told me about a new song "Turn Around" from Flo Rida which was shot in Brazil. She showed it to me and I was completely disgusted. Between the thong bikini clad girls booty clapping to point that you could see the normally hidden part of the thong, to the fact that not a single fully clad girl made an appearance in the video I was floored and pissed. The video was overtly sexual and completely unoriginal and I couldn't see how this video could even be in existence. It's one thing if the girls are in thong bikinis because it is Brazil after all, the country that takes pride in its appreciation of the fit human body, but the unnecessary booty clapping took it to a whole new level of fucked. Ladies why do we let this happen? We are so quick to curse people for lesser crimes,but when an entertainer shows such a tasteless display we sit mute. How do we ever expect to be respected if we allow the boys and young men to think that it's ok to treat a woman like she is the sum of her parts. You are not merely a pair of tits, a nice ass and a pussy. You are worth so much more than that. We are beautiful, incredible, complex being that deserve to be treated nor represented in such a way.
A couple of months ago I went to the movies one Friday night and as I was walking past the car garage, I saw these 3, 15 year old girls hop out of a mini van (driven by one of their mom's)  and all of them were wearing EXTRA short black dresses. I wanted to ask them why exactly they chose those particular dresses, but I was with my family and we were on an outing so I couldn't. We went to see 'Easy A' that night and I was surprised to see that the same 3 girls came in and sat right in front of us. They sat down right as I was discussing with my sister the possible repercussions of dressing so provocatively. I was happy that they were listening, because if no one says anything to them about what's wrong with what someone may be doing then how are they ever to change. It's not just about being too sexy at a young age, it's also about the message that you send out with what you wear. Like the mating rituals of animals all over the world, we do things to attract a mate by showing off our best attributes. Although in the animal world it's the males that are doing the elaborate mating displays. Why exactly is it different with people? What girls of the now cease to realize is that we are in control of this courtship and mating rituals. Girls will pile on their make up, do their hair and put on their skimpiest outfit to get the attention of a guy, but the guys aren't interested in what she has to say, but what she has to offer. If you ask any married person what makes them stay with the person they are with and they may say that it was a physical attraction but it was their personality that kept them. So maybe instead of wearing the skimpiest dress, you should wear the prettiest dress, the most original dress one that is personalized some how. By dressing overly provocative I believe it shows potential mates or suitors that our best attributes are the parts we leave bare. The best we can do is give a good blow job; we become the girl that you fuck and not the girl that you actually invite out to dinner or introduce to your family or even have a future with. She's  easily dispensable because she has become a toy, something that brings pleasure to a guy and that's it. She's only good until a new toy comes along. She invests time and energy into this "relationship" and all that she gets out of it is an orgasm- maybe. For him he gets his needs fulfill and it isn't too hard for him to find someone to fulfill them with. She feels used and betrayed and says that he is an asshole, but it's not his fault she put herself in that situation when she chose to set her self worth at what her body could and nothing else.